Shipping Policy
Shipping Partners
- We collaborate with trusted third-party shipping companies to deliver your orders efficiently and safely.
- Our partner shipping companies handle the transportation of your products from our warehouse to your specified delivery address.
Shipping Process
- Once your order is confirmed and processed, it will be handed over to our shipping partner for delivery.
- You will receive a shipping confirmation once your order has been dispatched.
Delivery Time
- Delivery times may vary depending on your location and the shipping method selected at checkout.
- Estimated delivery times will be provided during the checkout process.
Shipping Costs
- Shipping costs are calculated based on the weight of the products and the delivery destination.
- The total shipping cost will be displayed at checkout before you finalize your order.
Shipping Restrictions
- We currently ship to Indonesia and several other countries. Please note that we may not be able to ship to certain remote areas.
Order Tracking
- For any issues or inquiries related to shipping, please contact our customer service team.
Delays and Issues
- While we strive to deliver your orders on time, there may be delays due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather conditions, customs processing, or other logistical challenges.
- If your order is significantly delayed, please contact our customer service team for assistance.
Lost or Damaged Packages
- If your package is lost or damaged during shipping, please contact our customer service team immediately.
- We will work with our shipping partner to resolve the issue and ensure you receive your order or a replacement.